February 25, 2010

too long

Apparently I forgot that I even had a blog. I haven't written anything in almost an entire year. How crazy. I guess I should update you on life these days. Yesterday me and josh celebrated our one year. This past year has been so insane but so wonderful. We have had to get through a couple of things but we did and we're better because of it. He is such a blessing in my life and I couldnt imagine being without him. He is absolutely my best friend. We have so much fun together and I cannot wait for the next year. I love you deary. Also both josh and I found out that we were ACCEPTED to Auburn's Harrison School of Pharmacy. We will be in Auburn together for the next 4 years. God is just too good to even describe sometimes. I cannot even tell you how much I doubted that I was going to even get an interview but God did it. In the process he was teaching me patience, which if you know me you know I have none. not only did I get an interview I got an early interview. Because I have an awful gpa I was deferred. I had to wait 2 long, very stressful months. The Lord knew that would happen. It wasn't on accident that I made the best grades of my college career the one semester that my grades really mattered. God worked things together for the good. He promises it and he likes to show you that he is serious. I had to wait but both me and josh got the one email that we have been waiting for for the past 4 years at the same time. It was such a fun and exciting day and God definitely got all the glory. There is no way I can claim that one for myself. Since my last post my cat Bella died and now I have a new little one named Lola. She is a mess but so incredibly loving. Any cat who loves to snuggle is the perfect cat to me. She is so wonderful that josh now wants one of his own that can stay at his house. There has just been so much that has changed in the past year it is ridiculous. One of the biggest is this year I actually live in a house where everyone loves Jesus. I never knew how much I appreciated simple things like not having alcohol everywhere or even just being able to hang crosses in the living room. While the Lord taught me A LOT last year he also taught me I needed to be choosier about who I lived with. You need other christian girls to talk to about things and its so much easier when they are only a living room away. I haven't been home to clay in over a month now but I finally get to go tomorrow night. We're going to party for Mel's birthday and then Saturday my whole family is working with habitat for humanity. Also on Saturday I am going to take my little brother driving because he turns 15 on Monday. Everyone needs to watch out because Brian will be driving. As scary as that is I am so excited to see how much skill he has in his little honda. I have been doing homework for 5 hours now so I am going to finally go to bed. Hopefully it won't be another year until I write again.