January 27, 2011


The past month or so I have been searching for a storage solution for my binders and school stuff. I have had no luck. I even bought this bookshelf and my binders dont fit in it and I don't really have a place for it. I was trying to find something that I could use that would double as a tv stand and a place for my binders but I am still searching. I found this one bookcase that would be super perfect from Ikea (the best place ever) but I don't really have time to drive to Atlanta, get it, drive home, and put it together. I have a bookshelf but the binders are too tall and too wide to fit anywhere in it. I redid my room over the summer but I wasn't anticipating having this many ginormous binders. That reminds me that I never posted any pictures of my redo. I will try to take some this week. I need to just go ahead and get something because I see a ton of pharmacy school binders in my future. Why can't there be an Ikea in Auburn?!?!

January 26, 2011


I can't really go to sleep for some reason so I decided to write 25 random facts about myself.

1. i love Jesus Christ. he is so real in my life and he's my numero uno.

2. i have a boyfriend named josh. he is my best friend. he is funny, super sweet, and really cute. weve been together for a year and 11 months.

3. i love getting flowers for any reason. my favorite is gerber daisies. and i DO NOT like roses.

4. i have the most random assortment of songs on my ipod. most of the artists you probably haven't even heard of.

5. i like to read. just about anything besides a textbook.

6. i have been told i am an amazing chef. i'd have to agree.

7. i can quote the entire movie of superstar starring molly shannon.

8. i like to be surprised. i will not try to figure it out. if i know all the details of things it is not as much for me. if you dont believe me you can try me.

9. i have the best friends in the whole world. no contest.

10. i love to sing and i like to do it loudly while dancing around my room, in the car, or in the shower.
11. i love to dance. anywhere. anytime.

12.  i have a family full of hardcore auburn fans. (war eagle!) if you arent ready for it, it could be a little overwhelming.

13. i am very close to my family and i love them all so so much. all 20 something of them that there is.

14. i used to be super messy but now i am a neat freak.
15. my favorite colors to wear are black, red, plum, navy blue, hunter green or yellow.

16. if it has pokadots or bows on it...i'll take it.

17. i have a ton of shoes. and pretty much every pair of them are "weird".

18. my favorite tv show is americas funniest home videos.maybe i like it because i fall a lot. there is just nothing funnier than people falling. if you dont think so then i hope you trip and someone laughs at you.

19. i have 2 cats named lola cat blackshear and oscar the grouch blackshear. they are a little crazy but sweet as could be.

20. i love simply orange juice with mango and cran-apple juice.
21. i cry at just about anything these days. a good book, an awesome song, a sweet movie, a romantic anything.

22. i have the same personality as my mother and unlike most i am happy about that. my mom is awesome.

23. i like to have an excuse to get dressed up. jewelry, dress, heels, the whole nine yards.

24. i do not like rules. i am a rebel in the sense that i have tattoos and piercings. but rules are not my friend.

25. i love to curtsy.

keyboard courage

Me and Josh were talking yesterday about how people say things through texts/emails/facebook that they would never have the guts to say in real life. How true is that?! I have had so many people say things to me through a text that they wouldn't ever say to my face. I have had people that I know of but  have never met in real life add me on facebook and start conversations about personal things. I have even had a guy hit on me who is so shy he doesn't even say hey when I see him in public. What is it about technology that gives people such courage? I know I am guilty of it myself. I am a pretty vocal person. I say what is on my mind and usually before I even think about it. It gets me in trouble sometimes but people always know where they stand with me. But there have been times that I've said something extra rude on purpose knowing the person on the other end couldn't reach out and punch me. It seems a little bit easier to type up an email saying everything you want to say without the fear of being interrupted or cut down or feeling stupid. The bad thing is that once you type something, it is up to the other person to interpret how you meant it. More times than I can count a text has been taken completely wrong and someone thought I was mad when I wasn't at all. Don't get me wrong, I love technology. It is so much easier to keep up with friends from high school or where you used to live. It is even easy to feel like you know all about complete strangers (which can be annoying when someone forgets that they haven't ever met you). It is just interesting how people can be so different when they have a keyboard in front of them.

January 24, 2011


We have a system for our school that is called Polycom. They renamed it DejaView but after everyone already called it polycom so the name never really changed. It is our video system that allows the people at the Mobile campus to watch the same classes live. It like video telephone. Since they do it for mobile it records all the classes and it also streams them live online. So right now I am in between watching 2 classes live from bed. I woke up 5 minutes before class, cut on my computer, got some milk, and got my notes ready.  It is so awesome.This is only my 2nd time watching them but I am loving it. I dont waste time getting ready or riding the transit. I might be polycoming a ton more this semester.

January 22, 2011

Depraved Indifference

Please take a few minutes to watch this. It is powerful.

January 20, 2011

worth every inch

I actually did it. I cut it off. I went to the salon and told the guy i wanted to donate it and I even brought my tape measurer so I wouldn't be too difficult. I told him I wanted about 10 inches cut at first and then he could cut shorter for my haircut to be cute. He put the ponytail holder on and started snipping away. I reached back to feel how short the back was and HOLY COW. He cut FIFTEEN INCHES off of my head. I asked for 10 and he cut 15! Oh my goodness my hair is so short it doesn't all go into a ponytail. I was freaking out a little but once I got home and fixed it I actually kind of like it. It is going to take some getting used to but I guess I don't have a choice. I have no hair but now someone who has cancer will and that makes it all completely and totally worth every (extra) inch.

January 19, 2011


The other day when I said I was sick, I didn't know how sick I was going to get. My chest was congested on Monday and I kept coughing and my back hurt a little but it was manageable. Tuesday morning, I felt like I had been hit by a truck. My whole body ached and my chest was hurting. I still got up and went to class but by 11 I was shivering and figured it was time to go to the doctor. FLU. He said I looked better than most people who had come in with the flu so I guess if I am going to feel bad I might as well look good doing it ;) He gave me some good ole Tamiflu and I went home to sleep. To be on my way to becoming a Pharmacist, I don't like to take medicine. I will tough out a sore throat before I take meds or go to the doctor. I don't know why. I didn't even take tylenol for my fever. However, I SWEAR by Tamiflu. It is a miracle drug for the flu. Yesterday stunk. I hurt, I was freezing, and I was tired. But today I felt like a new woman. I even cleaned my room. When I went to the doctor, he told me I could wait a few more days and see how I felt or go ahead and get some medicine. Normally I would have chosen to wait but when Tamiflu is the other option it is a no brainer. I am still going to skip class tomorrow because I have a doctor's excuse.

Since I am not going to class, I think I am going to go chop my hair off. I am nervous. I love my long hair and it took me a long time to get it this long. I found a program through Pantene called Beautiful Lengths that lets you donate your hair to make wigs for cancer patients but you only have to have 8 inches instead of the 10 for locks of love. Since my grandmother lost all of her hair going through chemo, I really want to do this so that someone else can have a sweet little wig. I mean I do have pretty, super soft, never dyed, dark hair and tons of it. who wouldn't want it?!? :)

I will post a before and after once i get it done (if i dont chicken out)

January 17, 2011

over it

We are 2 days into class and I already feel behind. We have a quiz tomorrow and I took one tonight. I studied a little bit today and probably should have done a ton more. To top it all off...I am sick. I am hacking my lungs out and my stomach is killing me. This semester is going to be so difficult. I am completely worn out and pretty much over school. I have been in school for 4 years straight. I haven't had a summer break since 2007. This May, I might just be the happiest person I have been in quite some time. Please lift up some prayers for me. I am definitely living for Spring Break.

January 13, 2011

an experience


Our trip was quite an experience....

Sunday morning about 8 we flew out to Arizona. It was Josh's first flight and he could not stop looking out the window. We finally got there and went to rent our car. They gave us a hot pink Ford Fiesta. Josh was happy to be the driver. ha! We went to lunch at Jack in the Box since we don't have those here. It was the most random food on the planet. Their combo was a hamburger, fries, 2 tacos and an eggroll. We dropped our stuff off at the hotel and then went to a pep rally. We were able to find my grandparents (it was their first week with a cell phone). It was insane how many Auburn people were there. They started blocking off the gates and people were at every level of the parking deck across the street watching the stage. It was really fun. Then my grandparents took us to dinner and we went back to the hotel. The next day was finally gameday. We could start parking at 12:30. We decided we should leave a little early in case there was a lot of traffic. We got there and there was almost no traffic but there was a line of cars already waiting to get into the parking lot. They eventually gave in and opened the lot at 11:20. We found the line to wait for student tickets. The line was a full parking lot away from will call because we were in the way. Their grand plan was to take 5-10 people from the line to the will call then come back and get more. That lasted about 20 people then the entire line took off running to the will call window. They had to pat every single person down before they went inside a fence. We finally got to the window and got my ticket but they REFUSED to give Josh this girls ticket. She was even on the phone willing to talk to them and the guy yelled at me that he "would not be able to do that for me". So we went to the designated scalper area. They had all the scalpers behind one little barrier and they couldn't sell tickets outside that fence. This meant that they always knew what everyone else was selling tickets for...aka not good for the buyer. They were selling tickets for $2500 a piece! Ridiculous. So we went to the tailgate party and decided we would come back closer to kickoff for cheaper prices. At the tailgate they had barbecue. When I think barbecue I thing Jim-N-Nicks, Mike and Eds, Dreamland. This was not barbecue. It was so gross. We got a free taco instead. We went to tiger walk which also was a fail because where they said it was going to be, was not where the players were at all so all of us were out there but never saw anything. We went back to the scalper area. The prices had come down to the low price of $2000. What a joke!?! We eventually got a ticket, got in the game, and watched our team win it all. We tried to go down to a little bit lower section but at this stadium you had to have a ticket to THAT section to go down there after the game. It was by far the worst stadium experience I have ever had. We went to In-N-Out Burger(another thing we don't have here) after the game and it was full of Auburn fans.

Needless to say, the University of Phoenix stadium was very unprepared for the amount of people they had in and around the stadium that day. It was easily 80% Auburn and 20% Oregon. Inside the stadium it felt like a home game. We had most of the stadium and Oregon had their little visitor section. They even had an eagle fly! It took a ton of craziness to get there but seeing Auburn beat Oregon (twice) was completely worth the time, money, and effort.

The next day was when the real craziness began. We got a phone call on the way to the airport that our flight to Philadelphia was delayed. We then got another call that our flight from Philly to Atlanta was cancelled. We just thought, ok we'll get another flight no problem. NO. We get to our gate and start talking to the lady and she tells me it is going to be Friday at the earliest. I went and sat next to Josh and just said "I don't know what to do right now". After 4 different counters, we finally talked to a guy who found us the last 2 seats on a flight to Columbus, Ohio and then from there to Atlanta on Wednesday. My grandparents were still in Arizona so we decided to stay with them that night. My wonderful poppa came to pick us up and we picked granny up and went to dinner. I am so incredibly grateful that the Lord just provided for us that day. We FINALLY got back to Auburn last night and Toomers was still rolled! We are rolling it all week to celebrate the win. I seriously love this town. I love everything about Auburn. I love the town, the team, the university, the family, everything. We might not win national championships as much as other schools, but I wouldn't trade one single thing about Auburn.

January 6, 2011

hobby lobby

I have a hobby lobby gift card and it is absolutely burning a hole in my wallet. You probably all know that I am pretty crafty. I like to make things, paint things, redo things, whatever. However, I cannot decide what I want to do. I am in the middle of mine and Josh's 2 year scrapbook so I could get more stuff for that. I haven't really used my sewing machine but I don't really have anything I need to make. We do need a new picture to go over our TV so that may turn out to be my project. I just know when I go in there I am going to be in there for hours. I just get so creative in that place. Sheesh! I will keep you updated on what I eventually decide.

Our new roommate moved in tonight. I don't know her really at all but she cannot be any worse than crazy Kelly. Welcome to house #69 Betsy!


Once again, the Lord  is too good. Randomly last night, my friend Alex sent me a message and her plans to go to the National Championship fell through so she wanted to know if I wanted her ticket. We look similar so I could use her id. and it was HALF of what I payed for the first ticket that fell through. Now we are only looking for Josh a ticket once we get out there. Hopefully we can trade a scalper for 2 together. They have been talking about how these tickets have outsold the stinking SUPER BOWL. Good grief! Can you tell Auburn hardly ever goes to the big game?!?! Whatever. I am confident we will get 1 ticket out there. Thanks again Alex!

January 4, 2011


I stayed at work a little late tonight because a girl I work with starts classes tomorrow. She left when I was supposed to and I stayed extra for her. I do this a lot. When people ask me to take their shifts, I usually do. Of course there are times when I actually can't do it but if I can, I do. This is not the case for most of the people I work with. It is a little ridiculous actually. I have actually had one person straight up say "No". No reason, no sorry, just no. Some people don't even acknowledge that I have asked. Now I know who will actually work for me if they can and who won't even if they're sitting at home doing nothing. So you people who cover for me...I've got you. Those of you who don't...you might as well not even text me.

Once I got home, I started watching the rest of the Sugar Bowl (come on razorbacks!) and I am trying to fill out my form to submit some intern hours. We have to have something like 1,500 intern hours completed before we can get licensed as a pharmacist. So these past few weeks I have been racking them up. I am stressed now because the guy we bought our National Championship tickets from gave us a refund. Awesome...not. I guess it is a blessing he didn't just take our money. At least he just screwed us out of tickets. So as of right now we are going and we are going to try our luck at buying tickets from a scalper. wish us luck. hopefully this time next week we will be flying home champs :) war eagle.

book club

Today I got a manicure and a pedicure. It was wonderful. There are few things I can justify spending a good bit of money on but this is one thing I allow myself every now and then. It was much needed. I got the gel nail polish that dries hard as a rock in a second and lasts for up to 3 weeks! I hope I don't chip them too early. I will be disappointed.

I got home and started reading my book that I got for Christmas. It is called Maid to Match by Deanne Gist. I read some other books by the same author and loved them so I picked another one. So far...I'm hooked.

Here is a list of books I would have in my book club if I were Oprah.
  • Never the Same by Steven James
    • tells stories of people who encountered Jesus and how that encounter left them forever changed
  • Crazy Love by Francis Chan
    • challenges you to look at Christ's intense love
  • Sex God by Rob Bell
    • deals with the relationship of God and sex and how waiting until marriage is what He desires
  • Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
    • a biblical story told in novel form. so wonderful
  • A Bride Most Begrudging by Deanne Gist
  • Courting Trouble by Deanne Gist
    • both of the above are fictional stories. they're funny and very sweet
  • Romantically Challenged* by Beth Orsoff
    • this woman tells her crazy stories of dating or the lack thereof
  • Bella by Lisa Samson
    • this was made into a movie and it was not very good but the book is great
  • Song for Night by Chris Abani
    • the story is told in the point of view of an african child soldier. it is pretty intense and not for children
  • At First sight by Nicholas Sparks
    • if i tell you the story line I will ruin it. Let's just say I bawled crying reading it by the pool. so incredibly sweet and sad all at the same time. duh. its nicholas sparks
The first 3 are challenging spiritually. The last 2 aren't spiritual at all. The ones in the middle are fiction stories by Christian authors and one is just plain hilarious*. I highly reccomend them all. If you read any of them, let me know what you think!

January 3, 2011


Keep my sweet friend Sarah in your prayers. She was supposed to be my roommate but she got married instead. Tomorrow she has a court date to finalize her divorce and determine final custody of her sweet baby girl Izzy. The Lord knows what is best for both of them (and so does everyone else with a brain) so just keep Sarah and Izzy in your prayers.