March 30, 2010


I cannot believe that it is almost April. Where does the time go? (that sounds like a grandmother) I am getting ready to take round 3 of tests and I am starting to stress out, of course. However, I have decided to start running again. It really helped me manage my stress before so I hope it helps this time. I hope to run a 5k at the end of April. Josh ran one today. I on the other hand was not so prepared for the hills. Give me straight roads and I could go all day but throw a hill in there and I am out just like that. Besides hanging the frames and painting the new furniture I got, I am finished with my room renovation. I decided last weekend that I needed to "womanize" my room. I still had a little girl's room and since I will be here for 4 more years it was time to upgrade. Once I made my decision to womanize, I got right to it and got everything thats going to be done right now done in one week (thanks to josh and his truck). Now all thats left to do is paint my amazing new armoire that I got courtesy of the thrift store and tv stand which I won't have time to do until summer. A few weeks ago, we went to the beach for spring break. It was just what I needed. While I did at moments wish I was on Alternative Spring Break again this year, I knew that I need to sit, relax, and get some rest for one week out of the semester. But leave it to me to read books on my week away from school. I bought The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks to take to read on the beach. I read it in 2 days and ended up laying out by the pool crying. At one point Josh asked if I wanted to get in the pool because he saw my face sweating. I had to inform him that that was not sweat but instead tears because my book was so so good. He of course made fun of me and I couldn't do anything but laugh at myself. I have become my mother. She is the world's worst cryer and I am following in her footsteps. It does not take much at all the get the waterworks flowing. I bought another NS book at the beach (The Lucky One) and read it and cried again. Saturday, while Josh worked, I drove to pick up his new kitten Hank. He is the cutest thing ever (besides my lola of course). He is also the most scared kitten I have ever seen. If you move he runs under the bed. He has gotten much better in the past 2 days but he still has a little ways to go. This is going to be a test of patience but he is too cute that it makes it all worth it. It makes me sad though that he is so scared. Speaking of sad, the wonderful Lauren Huff is moving away from me. She is either moving to Austin or to Washington DC both of which are way too far away from me. I will have to start saving for plane tickets. She is amazing and will be a famous graphic designer one day. You will see. In the mean time be praying for her and God's direction in her decisions. She cannot leave without a mike and eds/snobiz date :)