April 19, 2012

6 months of updates

Wow. This post has almost been SIX MONTHS in the making! It better be good then I guess....maybe not. We are finishing up our P2 year. We have exactly TWO WEEKS until we are done with this terrible, dreadful, super hard, crazy year. This semester has  been even more work than last semester. Before you even apply to Auburn's pharmacy school you know that P2 year is the hardest. You hear about tests every 2 weeks and that you have a ton of things all at once but you really don't fully understand what that means until you are smack dab in the middle of it and have pulled more all nighters in one semester than in all of undergrad combined (I'm at a total of 2 so far).  That being said, Josh and I are both doing really good in our classes. By really good I mean Josh got a 100 on our last DAD test which is not easy at all. I didn't make a 100 but I still haven't gotten a C which is really good for me. We have also really gotten to know some people that I would now consider great friends. Its funny how you get to know people when you're all stuck in the same room for 12+ hours a day :) Our class also won Hargreave's Day! Hargreave's Day is like a field day for pharmacy school. All of the classes compete in volleyball, kickball, wiffleball, ultimate frisbee, tug of war, and pentathalon. We take a day off of school and it is always a lot of fun. This year our class, the Blue Barracudas, won the whole thing. We get our name on the trophy and everything! Josh's dad finished up his consolidation rounds of chemo and is leukemia free! He has been back at work for a little over a month now. Since Josh shaved his head for his dad and has kept it shaved his dad has longer hair than he does now! Continue to keep him in your prayers so that this can be the last time he has to go through all of that! Praise the Lord for His incredible healing! I have had a pretty much drama free year with my roommates which for me is almost unheard of. I thank the Lord every day for keeping my sanity over the past couple of years. I did gain my Lauren Huff out of roomies though. I am going to visit her in the great state of TEXAS this summer! I haven't seen her in way too long so I am past due for a visit. I miss my Huffy. Me and Josh also get to go to Utah in June to take a class on Alcoholism and Drug Dependencies. We go to a conference for a week and get to count it as an elective next year so that will decrease our stress next spring! We are going with about 6 other people from our school and staying in a house together. I think it will be so much fun and very interesting. We are also going to the Hangout Music Fest in May. We're going with about 10 other people to the beach for a week and we get to see Dave Matthews, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Skrillex, Switchfoot, Young the Giant, and a ton of more people. It should be so much fun. How could it not be? Somewhere between all of our travels we will be working and doing out 2 week rotations. I have mine at Princeton so besides the long drive to work for free every day I am looking forward to it. They said we may even get to scrub in on some surgeries with the anaesthesiologist! I might pass out but I am sure going to try to see what I can. That would be so so cool. The thing I am really looking forward to the most is being able to go home and hug on my friends and family. Since school has been so crazy, I haven't been home all semester. I really miss my momma! Next week my littlest brother will be SIXTEEN! holy cow. where has the time gone. I miss my whole family and I cannot wait to see them.

I think that is pretty much the main points. Hopefully I won't go another 6 months!