March 31, 2011


Since we got back from spring break pharmacy school has really turned it up. We have about 3 things a week. We get through with one test and we have 2 assignments to do. We have to study 4 things at one time. I don't know why we couldn't do some of these things in the first 3 months of school instead of cramming everything into 1 month. So that I why I have been absent from blogging. But we only have FIVE WEEKS left of our first year of pharmacy school! I cannot believe it! God has absolutely blown my mind with his blessing in my life. When I think I can't do it or I am just too overwhelmed, I get a REALLY good grade on a test when everyone else (besides smarty pants Josh) failed it. He is so awesome. Christ will never fail me.

On a different nerdy pharmacy note...Did yall see the news about hospitals having contaminated TPNs? My PPE mentor works at Princeton so she was one of the ones writing orders and giving these patients their TPNs. If you haven't seen the news, 6 hospitals in Alabama recieved TPNs that were contaminated with a bacteria called Serratia marcescens. TPN stands for total parenteral nutrition. It is an IV infusion of glucose lipids and fats (all good at growing bacteria) that has to be prepared and be sterile because it goes straight into the blood. So these Alabama hospitals ordered TPNs from this company who sent them contaminated ones. Every time someone gave a patient a TPN they were infusing their blood with bacteria. Some patients require TPN on a daily basis and it took a while for anyone to make the connection that the bacteria was coming from the TPNs. The only time that the same person does all of the TPNs is on the weekends so this past weekend an AUBURN PHARMACY SCHOOL graduate noticed that every single patient in the hospital that was recieving TPN also had Serratia marcescens. Interesting stuff huh?

March 24, 2011

belated music monday

We had a DAD test today and since I took full advantage of Spring Break I have been studying every minute I could for that test. For that reason I missed music monday. Matt Wertz is an artist that I have loved since I was in high school. His older stuff was good then and his new stuff is great too. His new album Weights and Wings just came out last Tuesday and I highly recommend it. This is one of my favorite songs from his new album.  Enjoy!

March 18, 2011


Spring Break was so much fun. The place we stayed was so nice! It was the end unit so it had the balcony all the way around it. The weather was BEAUTIFUL the entire week. We didn't even have clouds.

We had some good good food. We played some games (don't ever play quelf. it is not fun). The boys even let us watch the bachelor...all 3 hours of it. Josh made some delicious homemade ice cream. We even flew kites!

It was so much fun. I did not want to come home. Now I am back in Auburn and back to working and studying. I hope everyone enjoyed (and is still enjoying) their spring break. Summer break cannot get here soon enough.

March 17, 2011

in honor

In honor of St. Patrick's Day...

and here is the rap remix. It  is too funny. You will be singing it the rest of the day.
Only in Alabama. Hope you all enjoy the day of everything green. Don't forget your leprechaun flute and hopefully you'll get da gold!

March 10, 2011


SPRING BREAK! Ok so we still have class tomorrow but I am skipping! Saturday me, Josh, Kim Claire, Andi, and Ryan are headed to the beach! I cannot wait to have my toesies in the hot sand with a good book, good friends, and the best boyfriend with me. We are staying until Wednesday because we have tests, projects, and assignments the week after spring break. I don't know why teachers do that. What about the week BEFORE is so terrible that you have to wait until the week AFTER and ruin our spring break (or at least part of it)?! I cannot wait to get my tan on and not have to look at a note, or take a quiz, or work a problem for a few days. I hope you all enjoy your spring break!

March 8, 2011


Today was a great day for mail. I finally got my spring break book. I ordered it last week and it is finally here! I decided to read Water for Elephants. I saw the movie previews and it looks so so good (and not because Robert Pattinson is in it) so I bought the book to read first. Here is the trailer for the movie

The second thing I got was my new cover for my iPhone. The bad thing was that it is the wrong color. I bought the case the day I bought my phone and it just now got here. I was so disappointed when I realized they sent me a blue and RED one instead of the blue and PINK one. Isn't it so cute?!?
Hopefully I will get the right one soon. Until then I have my cute and sturdy purple otterbox.

On a completely different note, I have had major car issues the past month. About 3 weeks ago my car was leaking something and it was making a strange noise. Noises aren't abnormal because my car is a piece of junk (i love her still) but I decided to get it checked out. Well turns out I needed a whole new radiator and spark plugs, and wires, and a valve gasket cover. All of that cost me $600. Thank goodness for parents who helped me out on that one. Then Tuesday last week I was riding with Josh when all of the sudden my car just cut off. It would go once I cranked it back up and started going but as soon as I stopped again it shut off. I got close to the car place and it started SMOKING! AHH! Turns out I had a hose burst and it leaked every bit of my radiator fluid onto the ground so it was over heating. If you have never had this happen to you, this is what it looks like.
Saturday, I was driving to the movies and guess what? It shut off AGAIN! This time I was too far away to risk driving it to the car place so I had it towed. Apparently when it rains, it pours. Two of my freeze plugs were leaking. If you don't know what freeze plugs are, I am right there with you. But I do know that your car has EIGHT of them and if one goes bad, the others will to so I had to replace them all. So I was without a car from Saturday night until tonight. I promise you if my car just shuts off again I might just push it over a cliff. I have already told Josh that my first big purchase once we graduate will be a brand spanking new car. After all of this, and all my hard work at school, I completely deserve it.

weighing heavy

This post is going to be a little raw so if you aren't in the mood for that then stop reading.

There is something that has been weighing heavy on my heart. This weekend 3 people that I know are getting married and I wasn't invited to a single one of their weddings. This isn't the first time that I haven't been invited to a wedding and I am sure it won't be the last. But it has just been hitting me really hard lately that I am not friends with hardly anyone that I was really good friends with about a year or two ago. I have had people come to me with girl problems and then not invite me to their wedding to that same girl. There was even a reunion for people who went on the Brazil trip the past 2 years and I didn't hear about it until it was over. That one was particularly disappointing. I know I have been really busy with school because school is hard. However, I still have a social life and hang out with people. Ever since I stopped helping with switch because school became more demanding, the people I was the closest to have pretty much stopped talking to me. Some people don't even know that I am in pharmacy school. There are a handful of people who will talk to me when they see me or reply to something on twitter but for the most part I have a completely different set of friends than I did before. Now I have friends in pharmacy school, my roommates, my best friends from home but sometimes those friendships get a little lonely. One time last semester, a girl in my class asked me if I was going to sips-n-strokes with the pharmacy girls. I hadn't heard about it so I didn't think it was a huge group of people but then the next day I realized that pretty much every girl in our class went besides me and my roommate. We never even got invited. I don't drink or party or any of that so its difficult to make friends with some of my classmates when that is how they socialize. There are some great girls don't get me wrong. I am going to try to start going to the bible study but we have had meetings every week at the same time so I haven't been yet. My best friends from home are THE BEST but they aren't here in Auburn. I wish they were still down the street like in high school but now they're all at least 2 hours (and a phone call) away.

The whole 3 weddings just happened to be the tip of the iceberg but this is something that has bothered me for a while. It is just hurtful to have someone that you know through other friends invite you to their wedding and yet your own friends don't even invite you to game night. The sermon on Sunday about Jesus being our best friend was so perfect for me. I am so glad I have a friend like Jesus that will always be there for me no matter how busy I get. He doesn't care that I am not leading switch, or that I am not in 2:52, or that I am not a party girl. He thinks I am the coolest person in the world and He will always want to hang out with me. He won't ever forget to invite me. He won't ever think I am unimportant. Everyone in the world will disappoint me but Christ never will and there is so so much peace in that.

March 7, 2011

music monday

I mentioned earlier that I am obsessed with Adele's new CD 21. This is one of my favorites off of the album. Happy music monday

March 6, 2011


Today's sermon at church was so so good. It was the first week of a new series called Jesus Is. We are going through some different characteristics of Jesus. This week was Jesus is my best friend. Pastor Chris talked about how Jesus understands everything we go through in life. He came to experience every part of life so he could identify with us. He understands relationships. He had a big family that mocked him and called him crazy. He understands life. Hebrews 4:15 says "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet was without sin" He faced every temptation we face. The majority of His life was spent just living. He lived like a human so that he could understand what we are going through. He can sit on His throne and tell God "that thing that he/she is going through, I remember that. That was a really tough one." He is sitting there watching us and interceding FOR us, not AGAINST us. When I was home last weekend my mom was talking about how her sunday school class was going through Hebrews and she learned something that she never knew before. You always hear about Jesus sitting at the right hand of God. Until now I didn't realize that Jesus actually SITTING had any significance. Until Jesus came, the high priests were constantly moving around, praying with and for people, sacrificing on the people's behalf, always doing something. When Jesus came and died as the ultimate sacrifice, there was no longer any need to do all of those things. People could pray directly to Jesus. They didn't have to sacrifice anymore because our sin was covered once and for all. So now, Jesus is SITTING at the right hand of God. It was neat how that went along with the sermon. Jesus also understands pain. Isaiah 53:3&5 says "He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed."

Jesus needs to be our best friend. We have to talk to him. Not just a once a day prayer quota but ongoing prayer. pray without ceasing. As Pastor Chris said, Don't 'lay me down to sleep' Him. He's heard that one before. Hebrews 4:15 says "Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may recieve mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Mercy is not getting what we deserve and grace is getting what we don't deserve. We also have to trust Jesus with our lives. Psalms 37:5 says "commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you."

Jesus is my best friend. Is He yours?

March 3, 2011


I follow a blog called What White Chicks Cherish. It is absolutely hilarious! A guy writes it and it is so dead on. White chicks really do cherish the things he says we do. He even has a white chick of the week. Go have a look.

Since Grey's wasn't new (im angry that i came home just to watch it) I did my pharmacokinetics homework and we watched Letters to Juliet. I have seen it before and it is so sweet. If you are in a girly, mushy, lovey mood this is the perfect movie.

And last but not least I think everyone should go out and buy/download 21 by Adele. Her new album is AH-MAZING! The girl has some pipes and this album is so good. There is a song for every mood you could be in. My favorite for the moment is Someone Like You. You can download it for freeeeeeee! Just click here.

Happy Thursday everyone!

March 1, 2011

music monday

I just can't get this song out of my head! Enjoy!