October 13, 2010


I am a new foster mom to 4 precious kittens. Josh's roommate's girlfriend got them from a lady she works with. Since I am a crazy cat lady at heart, I took them in. They're about 5 weeks old and they are the cutest little things. They were all pretty scared when we first got them but even just a few short days later they have gotten so much better. Last night if they made any noise, I woke up. I was worried about them. They are all snuggling with me as I write this. I wish I could keep them all but I know I can't.

We got our mammalian test back on Monday and I got an A! The first time I took the class I was never even close to an A. This time I owned it. plus I have more bonus points this go round. While I absolutely hate having to hike across campus and go to the class all over again or having to stop studying for DAD to study for mammalian, I am seeing so much blessing in all of it. Because I am doing so much better, I am going to have a higher gpa to start off pharmacy school. If I would have gotten a C in the spring I would have a C for my gpa this fall. Instead I will have a B possibly an A. That is a big deal. I am staying on top of everything even though I am taking more hours than some people. I will also be better prepared for next semester when everyone has 18 hours not just me. The people who are only taking DAD will have to adjust to studying for 2 huge classes but I will already be in the swing of doing that. God really knows what He is doing and no matter how much we dislike it at any point along the way, He works all things together for good. He knew I could do it and he knew I would be blessed by it. I did not like it. I still don't. But I do see Christ all over every aspect of my pharmacy school career.

p.s. I cannot wait to see Jackass 3D. Every time I see the previews I get more and more excited. I just wish my mom lived in town so she could go see it with me since she loves the other 2 movies :) I have a pretty awesome mother.

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